"The pupils make up the school."

These are just the pupils from my year to begin with I will write all the nicknames for them I know off as you see my memory has failed me on nicknames so I would appreciate some feedback
Callum Allan :- sally Allen
Leigh Bissett: - Lucy Lou
Craig Cunningham: - smelly and coon
Ryan Kerr: - Minge
Michael Logue: - dogue
Stewart Anderson: - anderpants and wishy washy
John Blackhurst: - smelly and blackie
Laura Donald: - giz a bun
Craig Kintrea: - skinny
Richard McConnell: - flower pot
Mark McCubbin: - Maggie
Jamie Macdonald: - 'My Dad shot the leader, the leader, in the head' or 'do it for Charlie!!'
Alistair Mackinnon: - pube
James Martin: - jambo
Sam Morton: - Mowgli (jungle book) (given by barrie wood)
Mark Mcleod: - Radio or Foghorn (volume control was stuck) (given by barrie wood)
Niall Mackay: - smelly, skitty and to himself madkat
Felicity Maclellan: - flicty ticty Toc
James Mathews: - mati
Stuart Watt: - bigstu, stu, stuwy baby, watty and disco king
Martin Sherwood: -Brain (Pinkie and the brain - Cartoon) (given by barrie wood)
David Yorkston: - yorkie and Daaavvviiiddd as he spoke slow
Ryan Tervit: - Square, Terv the perv
Barrie Wood: - Woody
Bruce Telford: - Zippy and tefie
Paul Crawford: - dungeon master, eggy and crawfie
Stephen Page: - cheesy and salmon rushdie
Scott Connelly: - rumple stiltskin
Andrew reed: - Piss pot pete
(OLD PUPIL) David McElhoney: - Beeswax

Any more info wanted here

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